
die romantische komödie

Plusses 501-600

HDaRQx1q4fj On the Internet, nobody knows you're a genius.
2CsNW5Wk9Ng (this should be in beta) The open journalism toolkit
YHyuEsEiAfD Create interactive infographics - Infogr.am
YEsxbGNKMN1 oh, I can plus again.
QWqNrUUQ9cV (this should be a standard template for quantified self visualisation libraries; via @chl) Artistic planetary maps: colourful images of our solar system
a5L69ezbnWn (his style is sick, really funny after the other guy chimed in)
ArhevXN2i4s john peel's record collection http://thespace.org/ (or so I've heard; I don't get the site and the tracks I've discovered seem to be coupled to spotify, but I might be missing sth. or eth.)
JRLZuZbTCLh Eagerly waiting for the return of the Google Goats.
Kp5CV2Dirgj Cube - A game about Google Maps
bEaDh4uGLy6 (I think he is levitating)
i4bZCyJV5hE (squirrels and fox(!) cam)
fR4zAwgQzYq wishlist.add (http://kottke.org/12/04/the-descriptive-camera) (should output a tweet, actually) Descriptive Camera
Fzkh73kmorr (maybe yps will be the blueprint for all future business models for print)
MdKoUbXJktT MoMM - Minds of Modern Mathematics.
JLRj7zx6DAW better yet: this should be in beta: http://www.pizzashirt.net/
94C4a94cH6X I wish this were in beta http://alchemy.grimoire.ca/mockflow
A1JPDHfRAHz Make Angry Birds out of paper! GO!!! http://rov.io/AngryCubes
ZhvdWSU7K9g open dada
dAiDJCrLYW9 oh noes, the +1 button no longer works for me. (for personal reasons I'm using a kinda oldish browser, but wth? triggering a binary flag shouldn't rely on any assumption; posting, reading, commenting, etc. is working fine)
bwVgSUfPUni happy 4sqDay!
4ggwpqwbfUj I also don't get why Google made the new default profile page actually really nice looking. No motivation to change the pic and make it your own.
b5H3vwyMS7R I don't get those arrows indicating the hotness of the trendyness on G+. If a term is amongst the 5 most popular terms right now it obviously is trending and I don't need the psychological barrier of clicking on sth which's momentum - according to the grey downwards arrow - might have peaked.
MCuvCDi4zEs http://youtu.be/4ZKeb_sDRi0 Yes, it really did happen. On June 8, 1986 at Coney Island's historic Sideshows by the Seashore. And man, what a freak-out that must have been.
QvcSj9EgssU enjoying G+ in old school mode.
Lj4YnMe3UFP love all those spring cleaning tips. spring cleaning is awesome. Shared from the Google+ spring cleaning tips stream
ATZK8WC5CGg (this could be vastly improved if the dolls had their own dolls) American girls pose with their American Girl dolls
gzyKhVGdSDt pro tip for today: start drinking alcoholic beverages - preferably liquors or spirits - early in the morning; most jokes will be funny.
XJ59sbjEToV $(this).placekitten(); Placekitten jQuery Plugin
RH5tmGi2uNi (robot content is the new cat content; via @kottke) A Day in the Life of a Kiva Robot
byg7Ep2vC9h (wow, it's been a while since the last real beta from Google) MoMB: Google Account Activity
DofkRx7UcGD (untested aber lindner) Digilern 2012: Die Videos
EhePo49arfG (a little late to the party but google comments kinda make sense) Google to launch third-party commenting platform to rival Facebook
6qSwdMjfv2s is there a specific symbol for indicating some indirect effect for finding sth.? (i.e. less specific than via and h/t but still pointing to the baseline for the journey which led to the thing?
HF6d9MAeQUx (das gewohnheitstier in mir ist wirklich happy, weil delicious wieder halbwegs performant funktioniert; öffnet gleichzeitig andere möglichkeiten für pinboard)
1TKzBsiucCm recommended tag: system:unfiled
Btv2MnXN9WF I don't know what's going on. 42 of the last 50 pitches for the MoMB have been for apps with nothing but some LaunchRock style landing page. For the time being I go back to the roots and only post public betas (and public alphas).
Buva31BucQP "If you are around people who are able to understand these things before you are, it's worthwhile to call yourself on it, and see if you can get into some discussions about what they see that you don't. I get particularly restless if it's obvious that there's something going on but I can't see it. I can't move on until I see it too ." I don't see it
25fNoDD7jH9 Hi there! I have a question about squirrels... #question
b4RGx3W3rgP plus polyphasically #plusprotips
NbEPvY8vR6q just subscribed to daring fireball again (I think he lost me in 2007 with his paid only model and I never bothered to check whether he had reconsidered afterwards)
f4GMUSsTR6u ("I can't believe I watched the whole thing") Project Re: Brief by Google
PrGm31Ezmbo post piracy
Xy65RZLkbdE post normal
9yCa7tpML1f cat content (via bb) CAT SCIENTISTS OF THE 1960S
QDhJQSpsUke verleger vs. zerleger
H4on8PZHsAW (Google have outdone themselves with this new +1 button; clicking it is deeply satisfying)
XuuAkJUGMC8 cute (via +Andreas Lenz ) Input/Output
RsL3dehxnYu TwooglePlus » TwooglePlus watches your Twitter account 24 hours a day and cross-posts your Tweets to your Google Plus Circles
Nf81zFAMrYp seems like delicious finally fixed their bookmarklet probs. (I'm torn between delicious and pinboard; whatever I'm doing feels wrong; #doublebind )
btuMHURah3N guys, please learn the difference between correlation and causation.
3kzDAUggA22 heh (via bb): bzzzzz
f8b4t3JmnBw Stop Stealing Dreams The economy has changed, probably forever. School hasn't. School was invented to create a constant stream of compliant factory workers to the growing businesses of the 1900s.
XF7Bsgu116a (It's funny 'cause it's true It's funny 'cause it's true ): Pinterest Bingo
4LuqjVLkzv1 (I'd love to see a remix from fischli & weiss)
j4UN66Ts3ay Quora's Weekly Digests are becoming more and more gossipy. I like that.
9ha3mKfuXrh (new schachter thingy) Skills
K5EzJDqv5Bh (don't be fooled by the walkürenritt-ish intro) ((via +Markus Trapp )): Robot Quadrotors Perform James Bond Theme
7Ci4oRTtTDR The New York Times Timelined #wow (via too many) The New York Times - New York City
9BnZUPhEAR4 youtube -> my_history
Z29Dd7pownE Happy Leap Day!
Y6hZudPuv6Q mozilla app store thingy: Mozilla Marketplace
HGdfLevQSPq email as stream, brilliant idea (via +Werner Trotter ) Fluent – Making the future of email
deyoy5nQynT weird Scripting News: No comment
WWdEjKimK62 (from the hall of meme dept.) Hey! What’s in your bag? « Flickr Blog
ZZdtfEkm7ni cat neutrality
VpBXxM8Jqgj (there are still 3 pts. up for grabs) live.hackr : Quiz Pt. 55 (The Probabilistic Writable Models Edition) was haben Sokrates, Jeremy Bentham, Alfred Kerr, James Joyce, Vannevar Bush, Karl Popper und Graham Chapman gemeinsam?
DdDEaGNZ5zX ducks ducks go ducks
7B15PeZVaEq (I'm a squirrel which likes donuts) swissmiss | Social Media Explained
jMmX51LZtdF (sehr gut) Sascha Lobo originally shared this post: ACTA am Abgrund
Z9mFsC6tHvw omg, a beta band. (h/t +Wolf Witte ) The Beta Band - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ss3XE76AR24 I really start to dig orkut. Hashtags in Orkut communities
BfAU6yyBNv7 the knutsens, a fantastic new podcast. The Knutsens – Rundfunkanstalt – Pilots
hxaKaxk7SL5 duchamp was there Duchamp was here
aiG6Lr2FQX9 google obviously has been messing with the CSE lately (more ads, rather annoying preview pics, wrongly displaying results of the 'did you mean' search term even if there is no single resulte, etc.).
M83R19W9H9c huh, is the 'incoming' stream gone?
7nMrU9snpPU obviously some book about the beta principle. Das Beta-Prinzip
HTXiNcUD55a I probably need another year to get rid of my (hard, hybrid and soft) clutter. #2012