hackr.de | #mombpr

die romantische komödie

  • 930506705133359104
    @AkashaProject brilliant http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/akasha
  • 573111918187192320
    @TenderfootApp cool - but I only list *webapps* which are in public beta (and provide some sort of beta indicator.)
  • 573111578675032065
    @wrede nice - but I only list sites which are in public beta *and* provide some sort of beta indicator.
  • 573111327117475841
    @glirup great http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/glirup
  • 554272334555910144
    @thx_a_mill great, thx, how are you? the momb is still alive and kickin', public betas of webapps have become less popular though.
  • 545657707949461504
    @vincentcassar brilliant http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/keeping (feel free to delete your tweet broadcasting my email address)
  • 477107438404259840
    @eccoemily nice - but I only list sites which are in beta (and provide some sort of beta indicator.)
  • 477107104621547521
    @ChuckReynolds cool. do you mention the beta status somehow? I can only add levers if you do.
  • 468034539508740096
    @MichalBlak sure - see the bottom of the about section (link at the bottom of every page)
  • 458918448207519744
    @EricWattage myImpel nice - but I only list *webapps* which are in *public* beta.
  • 441179438013612032
    @ReneVonwald url reicht; aber ich liste dort nur public betas (i.e. mymundus noch nicht) - und der beta status muss irgendwie angez. werden.
  • 440944118072500224
    @JumpkickApp lovely - but I only list sites which are in beta (and provide some sort of beta indicator).
  • 432937751894192129
    @secretlymeet brilliant http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/secretlymeetme …
  • 428140855338086401
    @franciscnopcea nice - but I only list sites which are in beta (and provide some sort of beta indicator).
  • 426798592955662336
    @StaceyPoliti That's so nice of you to say, thank you so much.
  • 425611463294611456
    @FoogiMe I only list public betas. You could try pinging @BetaList
  • 424522105271488513
    @Twinklaz brilliant http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/twinklaz
  • 377086846171226112
    @Interactly nice - but I only list sites which are in beta (and provide some sort of beta indicator).
  • 360695164362170370
    @mikitamikado nice, but I only list public betas. Feel free to ping me after the launch. In the meantime @BetaList might be interested.
  • 330645352279572480
    @scoreboardapp nice - but I only list sites which are in beta (and provide some sort of beta indicator).
  • 330645073001869313
    @adityr great http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/alpha/subintent
  • 330644371672285185
    @ErikaRacicot sorry for the late reply. Just send me a tweet or email, see the about section.
  • 259313497945546753
    @thinkteaser great http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/think-teaser
  • 259312919735595009
    @TappestryApp I'd love to add it, but I only list sites which are in beta (and provide some sort of beta indicator.)
  • 259312608560160769
    @Aegoradotcom nice, but I only list public betas. Feel free to ping me after the launch. In the meantime @BetaList might be interested.
  • 251336553975123969
    @teawaterwire nice, but I only list public betas. Feel free to ping me after the launch. In the meantime BetaList might be interested.
  • 243655272625733632
    @mevoked great http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/mevoked
  • 237803182913384448
    @SInfluencers nice - but I only list sites which also provide some sort of beta indicator.
  • 235429554703982592
    @CelebDial brilliant http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/celebdial
  • 227752151575842816
    @QueRank I'd love to add you - but I only list sites which are in public beta.
  • 227754628387860480
    @philippkueng kein problem
  • 227749802643947521
    @jeantudouglas brilliant http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/autoswaggin
  • 223103508373716993
    @Smailex_com nice, but I only list public betas. Feel free to ping me after the launch. In the meantime BetaList might be interested.
  • 223103083163566081
    @AnhJames brilliant http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/fastcosts
  • 223102188887621632
    @edmundas4 great http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/gigbasket
  • 220464103225958400
    @adeelv nice, but I only list public betas. Feel free to ping me after the launch. In the meantime BetaList might be interested.
  • 217143104862568448
    @MyLifeHack I'd love to add you - but I only list sites which are in beta (and provide some sort of beta indicator.)
  • 215781456478339073
    @edmundas4 nice - but I only list sites which are in beta (and provide some sort of beta indicator.)
  • 215781130664812544
    @mTapHi nice http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/taphi
  • 213624790056042498
    @Roadtrippers brilliant http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/roadtrippers
  • 213623957365075968
    @James5625 @SortedApp I'd love to add it, but I only list sites which are in beta (and provide some sort of beta indicator.)
  • 204576227019857920
    @_kimrandall just send me the link.
  • 193936017122803712
    @marckohlbrugge let's do that.
  • 187244443475259393
    @Moilog I currently only list public betas. Feel free to ping me after the launch.
  • 187244138364796928
    @teawaterwire I currently only list public betas. Feel free to ping me after the launch.
  • 180577441423695872
    @gfcmills actually there are quite a few 'manly' verticals out already ;) see http://gentlemint.com
  • 180252264630464512
    @CodPign great http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/code-pigeon …
  • 179168255938801666
    @ToriPierceMKT @sherpadesk great http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/invitation/sherpadesk
  • 179166938159779840
    @FeedsAPI brilliant http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/feedsapi
  • 171942926258159616
    @Giftly I'd love to add you - but I only list sites which are in beta and provide some sort of beta indicator.
  • 171932967529222144
    @bscopes I'd love to add it - but I only list sites which are in beta and provide some sort of beta indicator
  • 169140517672730624
    @Cupfone awesome http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/cupfone
  • 169139413991948288
    @PitchBIG I've added you a few months ago http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/pitchbig ;)
  • 169137631836389376
    @StackTraceApp great http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/invitation/stacktrace …
  • 169129802811453441
    @tommyadey cool http://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/beta/collegestall …
  • 839058854
    @garzuaga thanks! KS keeps me busy :-)

momb pr

momb pr ist eine Art Hilfstag (ich hatte die davor mit momb oder noch granularer dem jeweiligen tool getaggt, aber das hat auf der einen seite das tag momb überflutet und auf der anderen seite tags mit oft nur einem artikel erzeugt).