Canceling with ContraPoints
☍ 02.01.2020 | #genderstudies
Top 10 Marble Races 2019
☍ 31.12.2019 | #heh
36C3 On the Edge of Human-Data Interaction with the Databox
☍ 29.12.2019 | #36c3
36C3 Mensch Kunst Maschine
☍ 29.12.2019 | #36c3
Minimal bullet journal setup
☍ 29.12.2019 | #bulletjournal
36C3 Degrowth is coming
☍ 29.12.2019 | #36c3
36C3 What the World can learn from Hongkong
☍ 27.12.2019 | #36c3
36C3 From Managerial Feudalism to the Revolt of the Caring Classes
☍ 27.12.2019 | #36c3
36C3 Was hat die PSD2 je für uns getan?
☍ 27.12.2019 | #36c3
36C3 What's left for private messaging?
☍ 27.12.2019 | #36c3
Samsung SelfieType
☍ 25.12.2019 | #samsung
The Dark Sides of Flex Culture
☍ 24.12.2019 | #sociology