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die romantische komödie

ReQuoting pt. 94 (The Lamenter Edition)

Judging by their response, the meanest thing you can do to people on the Internet is to give them really good software for free.

Anil Dash via BB

18.07.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/07/18/requoting-pt-94-the-lamenter-edition

Dialoge, S. 9.

Meistens, wenn ich eine Frage gestellt bekomme (selbst wenn sie mich berührt), wird mir klar, dass ich absolut nichts zu sagen habe.

- Deleuze, Dialoge, S. 9.

09.07.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/07/09/dialoge-s-9

ReQuoting pt. 93 (The Personal Privacy Edition)

Meine Empfehlung: Im Netz persönlich zu sein, aber nicht privat.

Peter Glaser via Dominique Silvestri

28.06.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/06/28/requoting-pt-93-the-personal-privacy-edition

Proprioception Revisited

It’s like proprioception, your body’s ability to know where your limbs are. That subliminal sense of orientation is crucial for coordination: It keeps you from accidentally bumping into objects, and it makes possible amazing feats of balance and dexterity.
Twitter and other constant-contact media create social proprioception. They give a group of people a sense of itself, making possible weird, fascinating feats of coordination.

^ oh mann, auch schon wieder 7 jahre her, dass wired in How Twitter Creates a Social Sixth Sense mit social proprioception / sozialem 6ten sinn eine der punktgenauesten beschreibungen von twitter abgeliefert hat.

(was retrospektiv betrachtend interessanterweise derzeit gerade sichtbar wird, ist eine art diskursive propriozeption, also eine spürbare eigenempfindung des diskurses selbst, wie also die aussagen und das aussagbare etc. selbst nur funktive innerhalb von ich sag einmal genealogischen serien a la foucault sind, nur dass alles extrem beschleunigt und also mit entsprechenden zentrifugalkräften, wackelnden reifen usw. abläuft)

27.06.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/06/27/proprioception-revisited

#2233435 Revisited

hmm, sehe gerade, dass assotsiationsklimbim genau heute vor 7 Jahren Lazy Blog 31 auf den kompaktest möglichen Punkt gebracht hat:

wären die dazugehörigen diskussionen nicht immer noch blöder, man müßte fast sagen, es wird immer noch blöder.


26.06.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/06/26/2233435-revisited

The Great Dereliction

today’s leaders are failing on a grand, epic, global, historic scale — at precisely a time when leadership is sorely needed most. They’re failing me, everyone under the age of 35, and everyone worth less than about $50 million. I can excuse leaders who are boring, mean, stingy, greedy, uninteresting, self-obsessed, vacuous, and generally lame. I can even excuse lying, cheating, and stealing. But I can’t excuse the fact that they’ve failed.

Umair Haque endlich mal wieder mit einem Grundsatzrant: The Great Dereliction

22.06.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/06/22/the-great-dereliction

ReQuoting pt. 92 (The Mess Edition)

By increasing the amount of mess I had freed things up and increased the possibilities, I had maximised the adjacent possible and was able to create the appearance of inventing new things by editing the mistakes which appeared novel and interesting.

David Galbraith via kottke

11.06.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/06/11/requoting-pt-92-the-mess-edition

Konzept des Tages: The Weird Tail

the web lets us see what the other weird folks are doing, pushing us to get weirder still.

enthalten und ausgeführt hier.

08.06.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/06/08/konzept-des-tages-the-weird-tail

ReQuoting pt. 91 (The Difficult Life Edition)

The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.

^ straight outta buzzton: Tolstoi via John Naughton

05.06.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/06/05/requoting-pt-91-the-difficult-life-edition

Jaron Lanier And Gobbledygook Economics II

The Kodak/Instagram comparison comes up over and over again, and it’s moronic. It makes no sense.

The fact that Instagram only employed a few people and Kodak employed a lot says nothing about the impact of technology on modern society or the economic status of the middle class. Even if we take the ridiculous leap and pretend that the two companies are somehow equivalents (and they’re not even close), you could just as easily point out that Instagram created a lot more value for people than Kodak did. First off, it didn’t involve toxic chemicals that create massive amounts of waste and pollution. Second, because people don’t have to buy expensive rolls of film to take pictures any more, they get to save money and put it to better use. Third, because we no longer have to worry about the expense of each photo, people are free to take many more photos and capture more memories and generally enjoy photography more. Fourth, because instagram makes the sharing of photos much easier, it enables much greater communication among family and friends, building stronger community bonds. I mean, you could go on and on and on.

Mehr von Masnick über Lanier’s Gobbledygook Economics (siehe)

04.06.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/06/04/jaron-lanier-and-gobbledygook-economics-ii

Konzept des Tages: Der Information Hoarder

Information is in a hurry to flow, and if someone comes up with a better, more direct, faster and cheaper way for information to get from one place to another, they will eliminate your reason for being.

enthalten und ausgeführt hier

31.05.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/05/31/konzept-des-tages-der-information-hoarder

A Framework For Copyright Reform

Finally, and most importantly, the focus needs to remain on promoting the progress of science and the useful arts. It’s not about “protecting” any industry or any class. It’s about what most helps to promote overall progress. Each proposal should be judged on that standard.

Mike Masnick mit einem Framework For Copyright Reform

21.05.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/05/21/a-framework-for-copyright-reform

ReQuoting pt. 90 (The Popcorn Edition)

In so einer historischen Situation ist es mitunter gut, sich heftig herauszuzoomen, förmlich vom Detailschlamassel zu dissoziieren um aus gehörigem Abstand mit genügend Popcorn und Neugier versorgt aus Bekanntem, Unbekanntem und 3 Schnurrhaaren ein unaufgeregtes, aber aufregendes Bild von allem zu machen.

siggi becker via thorstena

20.05.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/05/20/requoting-pt-90-the-popcorn-edition


We are waking up inside a world that is waking up to find us waking up inside of it.

echovar über dinge

13.05.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/05/13/things

Incoming Queue

The person who sets your media/incoming queue owns your best work.

^ seth g

13.04.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/04/13/incoming-queue

Konzept des Tages: Emptent

enthalten und ausgeführt hier (‘stuff that fills us up, only to leave us empty’)

Once, publishers paid people to write stuff that mattered. Now, they pay people to create memes.

23.02.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/02/23/konzept-des-tages-emptent

ReQuoting pt. 89 (The Carefree Edition)

  • How long you spent on it.
  • How hard it was to implement.
  • How clean your architecture is.
  • How extensible it is.

Pete Warden via Bokardo über Things users don’t care about

(ist natürlich eine variation von godin’s motiv, dass die innensicht eines systems anderen systemen leidlich egal ist, die interessieren sich für ihre eigene innensicht, ausser es handelt sich um pu und pferkl usw.)

12.02.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/02/12/requoting-pt-89-the-carefree-edition

ReQuoting pt. 88 (The Envy Edition)

I envy paranoids; they actually feel people are paying attention to them.

Susan Sonntag via nsr

11.02.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/02/11/requoting-pt-88-the-envy-edition

ReQuoting pt. 87 (The Papyrus Edition)

Papyrus rolls and Twitter have much in common: They were their generation’s signature means of “instant” communication.

Tom Standage (‘social media, the first two thousand years’) via kottke

28.01.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/01/28/requoting-pt-87-the-papyrus-edition

ReQuoting pt. 86 (The End Edition)

Doing your will is a hassle, collecting passwords is a pain in the ass. I know, I get it. But so is going to the dentist, changing the oil in your car, and getting an annual mammogram. And, we manage to do that stuff anyway.

So, Get Your Shit Together was born. Out of scribbles in notebooks, hours and hours making phone calls and tracking stuff down. There was an unbelievable amount of help from friends. Not to mention numerous messy late nights, some very dark thoughts, and more than a handful of moments too unbearable to repeat. I (mostly) have my shit together.

Chanel Reynolds via BB und gwm. ein Mashup aus Sterling (siehe) und Becker (vom ende her denken, siehe)

24.01.2013 # https://hackr.de/2013/01/24/requoting-pt-86-the-end-edition