
woanders ist es auch schoen

BB20 Saturday Morning Live Feeds Update Aug 25 BB20 Saturday Morning Live Feeds Update Aug 25 - Isn't it a no-brainer for L6 to vote out Haleigh over Fessy? Fessy will fight for his life to battle back if he is evicted - but will happily self-evict if Haleigh is, all JC has to do is tell him that Scottie will try to hook up with her in the jury house, which might have been Scotties plan all along?

On a sidenote: I think JCs agency on the game is a bit overrated, especially by himself. He generates a ton of mischievous and entertaining plans for sure, but the primary reason those plans actually worked so far was that they were aligned with L6 without him being aware of them.
# tv