
die romantische komödie

Googleversity of California

Google und die UC sind ob eines Einbaus der Bibliothek in Google’s Book Search im Gespräch

Daniel Greenstein, UC’s associate vice provost for scholarly information, said that joining the Google Books Library Project — with its ability to search for terms inside texts, not only in catalog listings — would help “create access like we’ve never had before to our cultural heritage and scholarly memory. It’s a whole new paradigm.”

Gibt auch Gegner (cheap shot von Tim O’Reilly):

I had a debate a couple of weeks ago with a well-known west coast literary agent at the Stanford Publishing Course. She was fulminating about how what Google is doing is nothing but theft. “Do you know how a search engine works?” I asked. “No.” “Well then, have you ever used Google?” “No.”
Even more telling was a conversation overheard later in the course, in which a publisher of significant size remarked, in a display of bafflement worthy of Senator Ted Stevens: “What bothers me about the Google project is that I’ve heard they are scanning two copies of the book. What I want to know is: what are they doing with the second copy?!”

☍ 02.08.2006 /via @radar # google googlebooksearch uc
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