
die romantische komödie


Gina Trapani zu den eigenen Daten im Web

- I want to take my stuff with me, into the future and into places that don’t have internet access.
– I want to search across my documents and data stores and connect my ideas, without being dependent on third party services to do so.
– I want what I do with my data to be limited only by my imagination and not the API’s, Terms of Service, functionality and server uptime of some random company. (This is why I lasted 2 months using Blogger back in 2001.)
– I don’t necessarily want my data branded by a company or advertised against in ways I can’t control.
– I hate identifying myself with services. It’s like wearing a tee-shirt with a Nike swoosh on it. Geek. Flickr? Hipster. Plaxo? Biz person. Bloglines? Info junkie. Gmail? Early adopter who knows someone with an invite. And so on.

☍ 26.07.2006 /via @smarterware # dataportability lifehacker
ich verwende das kommentarsystem disqus, mit dem man mit verschiedenen accounts oder als gast (option 'I'd rather post as a guest') kommentieren kann. es wird erst nach dem klick eingebettet, bei bedenken bitte erst nach zurkenntnisnahme der (datenschutzinfos) kommentieren.