
die romantische komödie


zum Future of Web Apps Summit von Simon Willison – die (nehm ich mal an) einen guten Überblick geben.

Am liebsten gesehen hätte ich Joshua Schachter


  • zur Verschiebung der Userbasis

As the population gets larger, the bias drifts; becomes less interesting to the original community members. Work out ways to let the system fragment in to different areas of attention.”)

  • zu Tags

Tagging is mostly user interface – a way for people to recall things, what they were thinking about when they saved it. Fairly useful for recall, OK for discovery, terrible for distribution (where publishers add as many tags as possible to get it in lots of boxes).

Automatic tags lose a lot – doesn’t help the user really achieve their goals. That’s why the “add to” badges don’t let you suggest tags.

Value in Delicious is in the “attention” – auto-tagging detracts from this.

“Beware librarians” – some people want to give tags a specific, underlying
meaning. Don’t let them.

  • zu Usern

“You have to understand the selfish user” – user #1 has to find the system useful or you won’t get user #2. Systems that only become useful when lots of people are using them usually fail, because there’s no incentive for people to contribute themselves. The real trick is to make the user base you have want to invite more people in to the system.

Goals skew the results. People don’t read, they cram crap in to boxes. Let people wander don’t give them tasks.

  • zur Moral

You have to develop a sense of morals when you build your system. It’s the user’s data; it’s not yours. Make sure they can remove themselves and their account if they want to.
In if a user deletes something they really do purge the data from the system. No transaction logs etc for getting stuff back.

(via langreiter)

☍ 13.02.2006 # fowa events delicious schachter badges tagging
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