
die romantische komödie

Social Capitalism

Jason Calcanis bietet den 12 Top-social-Bookmarkern 1.000$ monatlich, wenn sie die Rechte ihres Aufmerksamkeitsstromes an Netscape abtreten

Before launching the new Netscape I realized that Reddit, NewsVine, Delicious, and DIGG were all driven by a small number of highly-active users. I wrote a blog post about what drives these folks to do an hour to three hours a day of work for these sites which are not paying them for their time. In other words, they are volunteering their services. The response most of these folks gave back to me were that they enjoyed sharing the links they found and that they got satisfaction out of being an “expert” or “leader” in their communities.

Excellent… excellent (say that in a Darth Vadar/Darth Calacanis voice for extra impact).

☍ 19.07.2006 # paidcontent calacanis netscape
ich verwende das kommentarsystem disqus, mit dem man mit verschiedenen accounts oder als gast (option 'I'd rather post as a guest') kommentieren kann. es wird erst nach dem klick eingebettet, bei bedenken bitte erst nach zurkenntnisnahme der (datenschutzinfos) kommentieren.