
die romantische komödie

Mobile Kulturanthropologie

Why do People Carry Mobile Phones? – ein hübscher (spannender, netter, interessanter, schöner – ich muss wirklich etwas an meinem Vokabular arbeiten) Text zur Kultur der Mobilität und zum Zeug, ohne das wir das Haus nicht verlassen.

Firstly the Center of Gravity describes the most likely place where you are likely to cluster and consequently find these objects. In the home the Center of Gravity is likely to be the edge of a desk, a chair and often in the case of women, a bag. Objects don’t stay in the center of gravity but over time they gravitate there.
The second idea is the Point of Reflection – the moment when leaving a space when you pause current activities turn back into an environment and check you have the mobile essentials. Typically this involves looking at the Center of Gravity, sometimes tapping pockets, sometimes speaking aloud. Not seeing the objects where they are supposed to be (the Center of Gravity) can be a sign that they are already carried.
The last behavioural concept is something we call the Range of Distribution – essentially the degree to which essential objects are likely to stray from the person, or from the person’s line of sight/range of touch.

(via mediatope II)

☍ 18.11.2005 /via @lotman # mobile anthropology
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