Introducing Bad Joke Detector
☍ 01.04.2018 | #google
ShareBED The newest innovation in the sharing economy
☍ 01.04.2018 | #misc
Meet FlexChoc
☍ 01.04.2018 | #food
Introducing the New T-Mobile Sidekicks
☍ 01.04.2018 | #gadgets
Meet the Producer Ned Hopper
☍ 01.04.2018 | #food
Introducing Gboard
☍ 01.04.2018 | #google
Introducing Google Cloud Hummus API
☍ 01.04.2018 | #google
Meet Labelie
☍ 01.04.2018 | #misc
Introducing Chocolate Whopper
☍ 01.04.2018 | #food
Porch Piracy Protection by Man Crates
☍ 01.04.2018 | #misc
I've Re-Designed Googz
☍ 01.04.2018 | #google
Logitech Innovates Business Speak Detection
☍ 01.04.2018 | #misc