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ok, brexit ist zumindest für diesen einen lacher gut: Toblerone faces mountain of criticism over stupid change to its chocolate chunks - How YouTube changed the world
Der Telegraph über den Einfluss, den Youtube auf unsere Kultur ausgeübt hat. - Grumpy cat makes owner £64 million
Scowling feline which became an internet sensation has amassed a huge fortune for its American owner - 230359689211310080
Twitter employees alerted NBC staff to a British journalists tweets and showed them how to file a complaint against him. - 88523666106761216
self-portrait http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/8615859/Monkey-steals-camera-to-snap-himself.html /cc @pfefferle - Monkey steals camera to snap himself
Geniales Selbstportrait eines Affen. - The 100 most influential technology investors in Europe
Der Telegraph mit einer Liste der 100 VCs mit dem grössten social media Einfluss. - 21939605246
the cribs (dictators edition) http://bit.ly/d7rFvW via @kottke - Telegraph communities: the arrival of Disqus and BuddyPress
Ganz interessant: der Telegraph stellt - 100.000+ Profile - auf BuddyPress plus Disqus um (inkl. beschreibung warum) - Short Cuts Pt. 2 (Worthless Edition)
Über den (vor allem) Unsinn Rupert Murdochs Plan, seine Properties vor Google zu verstecken. - OpenTelegraph
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