
die romantische komödie

Plusses 601-700

cywUhq5iuTb (from the self-educated self dept.) 'MITx' will offer courses online and make online learning tools freely available.
Esja3TT1HJQ delicious has been a royal pita lately. but I've been using it since 2004, I love the service and it seems the avos guys are trying, so I don't wanna ditch them prematurely. but they do need to provide a stable service within the next couple of weeks or i'm gone for good.
88Yc3W1K5vU Just three penguin gangsters walking on the beach.
FAScA455Vhj I srsly hate relative timestamps, especially on blogs. published about a year ago? wtf.
NW1dPMJQFEJ hmm, isn't this a problem of all technologies which use both a camera and an internet connection?
SQGwv8pDFiy "With Duolingo you learn a language for free, and simultaneously translate the Web." IFF this works as good as Recaptcha - it's from the same guy - this is pretty massive. /via +Tim Bonnemann: DuolingoDuolingo
2ZaCJb2Wd3P Sometimes evolution sucks.
FA9a73H3dNw SQUIRREL CAM: Come watch our favorite critters enjoying a meal. Best viewing times are an hour before sunrise until sunset.
VhWNq7kafYV Eric Schmidt mentioned yesterday at LeWeb that some sort of 'noise control' will be coming to Google+. Obviously they focus their attention to algorithmically tell us what's most interesting, but there also will be ways to explicitly do it yourself (don't quite believe it, but we'll see.)
fMTe6DCr86j not that useful if you know how to use a feedreader; it does work with sites which don't provide a feed or excerpt feeds only too, though: TextOnly
f7rmfo7iXdp liquid bubblegeneration /via +Christian Langreiter High Speed Liquid and Bubble Photographs by Heinz Maier | Colossal
diPgyfur2tQ hahaha /via +Martin Lindner A Cow based Economics Lesson;
hXLN8LatSZv seems like google finally hired a designer. Official Google Blog: The next stage in our redesign
dStPvBcK2Sz just a test since my (buzz-) stream has been empty for the last couple of days.
CgiWJ34TTL6 watching the Google+ commercial during the Lions vs. Packers game I can't get rid of the feeling that Google isn't really aware of the fact that their real life metaphor isn't supported by the social design of G+ (Circles don't constitute reciprocal relationships, etc.)
MiYD8pGRcvg Welcome to Google+, +Barack Obama Ripple
doDtNFby6CA Žižek at Occupy Wall Street, part 1/3
57AdfDY2yE8 so cute

lem doodle

XdwXnrgrZBr "At the moment, I'm sorting a lot of web tabs by the color of the favicon, left to right in a rainbow" color selection and visual recognition of work - Vacuum
WxaFmsqrYgB sickness is social...: Sickweather
jFiTLE55Ufs kittencloud etc. http://owncloud.org/


7gZTB6SjfFT "ThinkUp is a free, open source web application that captures all your activity on social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google+. With ThinkUp, you can store your social activity in a database that you control, making it easy to search, sort, analyze, publish and display activity from your network. All you need is a web server that can run a PHP application." (Gina Trapani thingy) ThinkUp: Social Media Insights Platform
CZ1qDfoXoWy watching... The elusive technological future - John Naughton at ALT-C 2011

R92oMut55Fa bin mir nicht sicher ob zur nachahmung empfohlen (gscheiter wär ggf, das dortige im eigenen cms zu spiegeln, ohne die dynamik der kommentare zu verlieren oder so), aber zum überdenken.
RHUJtYmpPLJ Saurier Duval shared a Google+ page with you: MoMB.
ggkD4psiQfd Saurier Duval shared a Google+ page with you: hackr
hca7ZW71YPM schöne analyse der strategischen fehler / kurzsichtigkeiten von google mit dem GR
5UxyQjVQsw2 Yahoo Cocktails... (HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, node.js thingy)
BsrTbaRpnL6 some sort of dropbox via github or your own server. SparkleShare - Sharing work made easy
aHCCnK5wQG5 (currently) a working way to share items from within Google Reader. Requires one tag which has been made public in the old version of the reader. Reader- Pt. 2 - The Still Sharing Edition
T4Wa9jDu12V Heute ueberall leicht zu spaet dran usw.
eC2AhKPumeJ (I like the under the christmas tree mood of this announcement)
Dr95aGKkkmZ Artistic Bungalows « Flickr Blog
Cm4eZWJdhn3 funny to read this against Yegge's rant http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3101876 ("Google+ is a knee-jerk reaction, a study in short-term thinking, predicated on the incorrect notion that Facebook is successful because they built a great product. But that's not why they are successful. Facebook is successful because they built an entire constellation of products by allowing other people to do the work...")

(from the 1 euro dept)
8E4ojmtE7sR sorry
eorMbA9r1oo oops, the new delicious doesn't link directly to the saved bookmarks but does some crazy redirect-voodoo #wtf
U4yt2RAzsX5 I'll be in Vienna for the European Startup Festival next week. Ping me if you want to meet up.
2LLkYSCLqwo "media for equity" German Media Pool
eZQYKt142Rv "tough girl" / via +mausz fabrick
S9UFNqsReer I love you all, but... who are you people? (Have Saurier in Circles: 2216)

new delicious is new
8LorKzPhmHS (gibts in neuauflage)

(und ohne genau fassen zu können warum so wirkt doch fast jeder satz kristallklar und alleraktuellst))
RJJFNugp8Ka go Fred Wilson!

Don’t ever abdicate your personal presence on the web to some fucking company, put it on the open web,

I think ‘real names’ is bullshit.
8dePTQ8Eiez I don't get Google. 'social' ist the probably the area which seriously could hurt them and which they shouldn't be streamling at all. Social Web Blog: A sunset for this blog, a sunrise for another
C3qNNHfg5U3 I hate to say it, but while I'm less than impressed with Google+ (even if I kinda like it) I'm really blown away by the up and coming Facebook (which is what Google+ could have been if Google had some social vision).
KPHhp5Wf2AD I think Google did a decent job with Google+ Search, but it's kinda weird/lame that you can't display search results (anti-)chronologically.
BzSehRp4orC omg, Google+ now is open to everyone.
Bre6vqMjr2m "Please upgrade your browser to use blabla. Thanks!" yeah, right.
SsPwdyBY1Dv kk 12 years ago: "The beauty of network logic is that the mechanics of this software does not rely on artificial intelligence, or AI. Rather the collaborative work is done by pooling the teaching that each person would do alone into one distributed base. It's an example of dumb power. Lots of people teaching a dumb program, but all connected together, producing useful intelligence. The strength of the network is built by the slim bits of information that each member is willing to share. Sometimes that's all it takes."
KKWmLwpBuLi Putt Putt Pass Badge Wonderputt
Bg31s6E7i8E I kinda feel bad for the folks who in the next couple of weeks have to deal with Steve Jobs wannabes...
5ukw4E2YbNu Steve Jobs’s Patents The 313 Apple patents that list Steven P. Jobs among the group of inventors offer a glimpse at his legendary say over the minute details of the company’s products.
ebQbzbYSx9T Steve Jobs Resigns as CEO
2LCLh9gV4zS actually we need more hackable / programmable everything.
dJi734AEBto seems like Feedburner finally dumped FriendFeed from the stats.
DYEK4yMAgge Kitten Hose...
94FvzyjYzbw omg, Betafarm.
EQm1BzBQ8Pe SkyFi
3KJ2A8jZFGU the MoMB / https://momb.socio-kybernetics.net/ / has a new design (basically killed the Kinder Surprise approach and removed some features nobody was aware of anyway)
83bXHfGgyLt from the YC-funded dept

http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/12/yc-funded-mobileworks-aims-to-be-a-hands-off-mechanical-turk/ http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/12/yc-funded-picplum-beautiful-prints-automatically-mailed-for-you/ http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/11/yc-backed-opez-is-yelp-meets-facebook-for-service-professionals/ http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/10/yc-funded-envolve-launches-an-api-for-real-time-chat/ http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/09/yc-funded-stypi-is-etherpad-reborn/ http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/08/yc-funded-snapjoy-will-organize-your-photos-for-you-and-make-sure-you-dont-lose-them/ http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/08/yc-backed-leaky-is-hipmunk-for-car-insurance/ http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/06/yc-funded-interview-street-streamlines-the-search-for-great-programmers/ http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/04/yc-funded-parse-a-heroku-for-mobile-apps/ http://techcrunch.com/2011/08/03/yc-funded-pagelever-offers-deeper-insight-into-facebook-analytics/

(I'm still looking for a YC-funded/backed project which didn't get its very own TC review)
3R5eAsS39iU beta of the day, pt. 2
4Q7D1AX24iP beta of the day
dVYnTBFtD5a omg, hahaha.
DbEQEmfjDHu Credit ratings for every country
ghGvdvxJcxK Send invitations - 150 left
7gx5hxQ97Ko Googlepluseros
58s913AZZ1M Nose jobs
K47vGEKUxsb "Seeing an unsolicited invite in (one of) my already crowded inboxes is a bad way to make a first impression for any service."
KsChrk2LZhQ crowdreduce