Plusses 1-100
freakin g+ keeps me hanging with this (and there neither is a way to view nor to get rid of this notification which like totallly blows my inbox zero mantra)
(if you are missing the circles (remember?) in the new G+ - you can reactivate them in the advanced settings)
a bit late for caturday, but groove is in the heart:
(via bb)
a bit early for #caturday but here is a cat enjoying a banana:
a bit late for #caturday - but if you've ever wondered: cat and pizza, what could go wrong?
(turtle view would be a great addition for google maps) New conservation project reveals amazing turtle's eye-view of the Great Barrier Reef
looking for google+? when you mouse over your name in the navigation bar (which formerly was linked to g+) google now will display a tooltip telling you where it has been hidden.
a bit early for #caturday but cooperative cat is cooperative: Cooperative Cat Effortlessly Balances A Variety of Household Items On His Flat Furry Feet
a bit early for #caturday, but "do not buy this, even for your cat." Mom gives her 16-year-old daughter's nipple-exposing crop top to cat
from the poor man's attention trust recorder dept.: google now lets you export your search history. Export Google Search History
a bit late for #caturday but a Cat House on the Kings:
delicious 7-foot-long gummy snake: The 26-Pound Edible Gummy Python. 36,720 delicious calories
oh, seems like they've sunsetted (which was a site dedicated to promoting that G+ is no ghost town.)
a bit early for #caturday but a cat+ within a circle might make for a justifiable exception.
oh, Gmail has added a new G+ share button right at the top. Actually might be quite useful for resharing emails with cat content since you can drag and drop the content directly from the email. Like so: Smart Cat.
Burger of the day: Burger King launches black burger in Japan – and no, it's not just burnt
No new mail!
No starred messages.
You don't have any saved drafts.
No conversations in the Trash.
Hooray, no spam here!
(post #caturday ; ht @random101) 25 Awesome Furniture Ideas For Cats And Cat Lovers | Cat Burger Bed
"You survived as an artist for 13 months and produced 8 art works." ** ARTIST SURVIVAL SIMULATOR **
Here is the schedule:
Week 1: Twitter Sentiment Analysis (Python)
Week 2: In-Database Analytics (SQL)
Week 3: MapReduce Concepts and Algorithms (Python)
Week 4: (Optional) Large-scale data processing in the cloud (Pig, Hadoop, AWS)
Week 5: Supervised Learning Roundup (R)
Week 6: Visualization (Tableau and/or Javascript/D3)
Week 7: Kaggle Competition"
(in week 4 you'll process 1TB of data on a cluster of 20 machines, costs on AWS should be < $5)
Introduction to Data Science
(nur ein kleines modell, warum es (nicht nur von ihm) im ohrensessel ausgedachte paneuropäische medien eher schwer haben werden:
stellen wir uns menschen als punkte in einem koordinatensystem vor, die ihre interessen reflektieren.
und nehmen wir an, dass sie egoistisch/rational ganz einfach die medien konsumieren, die ihnen am nächsten kommen (und deren sprache sie verstehen).
für medien bedeutet das, dass sie versuchen müssen, den abstand zwischen sich und möglichst vieler dieser punkte zu minimieren. ihr grundproblem ist also eine mediale lineare regression.
je paneuropäischer das angebot aber sein will, desto grösser wird natürlich die varianz, weil die streuung - also die erfahrungen, geschichten, kulturen, milieus, etc. - unterschiedlicher wird. und je höher aber der durchschnittliche abstand zum paneuropäischen medienangebot wird, desto grösser wird wiederum die wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein regionales oder nationales medium einfach viel näher liegt und also vorgezogen wird.)
stellen wir uns menschen als punkte in einem koordinatensystem vor, die ihre interessen reflektieren.
und nehmen wir an, dass sie egoistisch/rational ganz einfach die medien konsumieren, die ihnen am nächsten kommen (und deren sprache sie verstehen).
für medien bedeutet das, dass sie versuchen müssen, den abstand zwischen sich und möglichst vieler dieser punkte zu minimieren. ihr grundproblem ist also eine mediale lineare regression.
je paneuropäischer das angebot aber sein will, desto grösser wird natürlich die varianz, weil die streuung - also die erfahrungen, geschichten, kulturen, milieus, etc. - unterschiedlicher wird. und je höher aber der durchschnittliche abstand zum paneuropäischen medienangebot wird, desto grösser wird wiederum die wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein regionales oder nationales medium einfach viel näher liegt und also vorgezogen wird.)
Sebastian Thrun from +Udacity sez: "We learned we can drastically boost learning outcomes by adding a service layer around MOOCs. It has a huge impact on completion rates and learning outcomes."
It's weird that a statistician confuses correlation (people who enjoy our new 'service layer' have a higher completion rate) with causation (they have a higher completion rate because this 'service layer' helps them learning and mastering the certificate) and is completely oblivious to the obvious confounding variable - money.
It's weird that a statistician confuses correlation (people who enjoy our new 'service layer' have a higher completion rate) with causation (they have a higher completion rate because this 'service layer' helps them learning and mastering the certificate) and is completely oblivious to the obvious confounding variable - money.
has anyone already discovered the revival of the stockholm syndrome in MOOCs? It seems like the worse the course or the instructor, the more devotional the justifications of some classmates.
(which obviously makes sense since some moocs are a huge investment in personal time and energy and it's much better to have a good feeling about the course; nobody wants to waste their time or suspect that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence)
since everybody seems to be rip-ing and/or reminiscing G+ today a link to my first take on it 6 days after its launch in 2011 (they never fixed the cardinal flaw in the social design - i.e. the 'paranoid asymmetry' of the circles -, they probably never even got it) Im Namen des Kreises
I recommend this or this as soundtrack. #caturday Cats that suck at jumping.
never seen before: google search just gave me a recaptcha puzzle to solve after 8 or so pretty basic searches (which I just refined quickly since the initial results have not been great)
(btw: iagszh was wrong)
(btw: iagszh was wrong)
I'm still hanging in there...
(this MOOC is phantastic and a benchmark in terms of production value and implicit humour for all future classes to come)
(the ironic twist in this story is that the author's perception of big data itself is based on a recursive convenience sample, i.e. only reading other journalist's not always highly informed perception)
omg, G+ does provide a simplistic activity log where you can find your previous 1's:
(spotted by Patrick Kollitsch )
(spotted by Patrick Kollitsch )
my semiannual prayer to the gods of +Google+ : it is utterly ridiculous and borderline pathetic that - after almost three years - it's still not possible to access one's very own +1's on gplus.