- Papierkorb pt. 38
(weird but I still kinda miss subjot) - 238934173287579648
kompiliere xyz of the year listen (preis für schlechtestes timing beim sunsetten geht heuer eindeutig an subjot) - Subjotting into the sunset
Jetzt der offizielle Totenschein für Subjot. - 193348075350278145
@chl noch ohne totenschein (aber vor ein paar tagen hab ich auch schon mal probiert) - 193317624350916608
rip subjot - 45440
test via email / see http://subjot.com/jot/45393 - 131820071654928384
# 62 jots in 19 subjects - Subjot Launches With a Bet
Betabeat über Subjot. - Two new features today
"the Explore pages are absolutely fabulous (I wonder how they will scale, though). It would be interesting, if everyone could assemble his very own lists too." - 19505
feature request: j/k keyboard navigation for jumping from jot to jot - 17816
feature request: feeds for users (full jotstream and for user/subject; bonus points for all/subject) - 16059
currently reading all your jots http://subjot.com/all - wanted: multiple tags per jot
"actually I quite like the restriction / dedication to one Subject." - 101726647941730304
subjot http://subjot.com/jot/12229 - 12220
Markus Spath joined Subjot!