
die romantische komödie


Das Gute an der ganzen beacon Geschichte war, dass Umair Haque endlich einen Stein gefunden hat, den er theoretisch zerreiben und an dem er sich – ok, etwas repetitiv – freischreiben konnte.

ReQuoting Secret Steve Jobs:

“…Thing is, nobody ever doubted that Facebook can do better. What’s scary is the fact that they won’t do better until people start to scream at them. It’s the fact that it doesn’t really seem to be in their nature to do the right thing. Their instinct, in fact, seems to be to do the wrong thing, and to keep doing it until they get caught. Even after they get caught, their instinct is to spin and fudge and brazen it out. No wonder the Borg has partnered with them. It’s a match made in heaven. These guys are like Google, only their slogan isn’t “Don’t be evil” — it’s “Don’t get caught.”

(diesbezüglich ganz witzig: bei StudiVZ / Holtzbrinck käme niemand jemals auch nur auf die Idee, dass sie irgendwas auch besser hätten tun können)

The implication is that they have to do so by trading the most value from consumers to shareholders.

No value was ever created. It was a shell game; a deception; a masquerade of value creation.

The original purpose of the corporation – and of business – was to make everyone involved in trade better off.

And the firm became what the commenter’s describing: a value-shifting machine, not a value-creating machine.

☍ 06.12.2007 /via @bubblegeneration # bubblegen strategy economy facebook
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