
die romantische komödie


3 Amateur-Nacht Geschichten:

Cult of the Amateur

eine überfällige Debatte (die literale auslegung)

Wir twittern und facebooken uns in die gestresste Idiotie … Zu oft werden Blogs, Wikis und Co. als Werkzeuge mit dem Selbstzweck verwechselt. Millionen Seifenkisten zum Nulltarif an jeder Ecke bringen nicht automatisch bessere Redner oder scharfsinnigere Debattierer hervor.

What are we going to say about CotA? (die analytische auslegung)

My response started by acknowledging that many of the negative effects Keen talked about were real, but that the source of these effect was an increase in the freedom of people to say what they want, when they want to, on a global stage; that the advantages of this freedom outweigh the disadvantages; that many of the disadvantages are localized to professions based on pre-internet inefficiencies; and that the effort required to take expressive power away from citizens was not compatible with a free society. …
Keen is correct in seeing that the internet is not an improvement to modern society; it is a challenge to it. New technology makes new things possible, or, put another way, when new technology appears, previously impossible things start occurring. If enough of those impossible things are significantly important, and happen in a bundle, quickly, the change becomes a revolution.
The hallmark of revolution is that the goals of the revolutionaries cannot be contained by the institutional structure of the society they live in. As a result, either the revolutionaries are put down, or some of those institutions are transmogrified, replaced, or simply destroyed. We are plainly witnessing a restructuring of the music and newspaper businesses, but their suffering isn’t unique, it’s prophetic. All businesses are media businesses, because whatever else they do, all businesses rely on the managing of information for two audiences — employees and the world. The increase in the power of both individuals and groups, outside traditional organizational structures, is epochal. Many institutions we rely on today will not survive this change without radical alteration.

☍ 12.06.2007 /via @changethis # keen shirky
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